Relationship Growth – Swellendam

During our last visit to Swellendam, Steve talked about how existing belief systems influence our behaviour, how others see us and more importantly how we pass these belief systems onto our children.

Inspired by how guests related to this, Steve has decided to do a full hour talk on Relationship Growth, where you will get a deeper understanding of:

  • how our relationship with ourselves and our blinds spots influence on our relationships with others;
  • how we can move into greater awareness to strengthen and improve the relationships we have with our children and/or loved ones.

You can expect to learn new tools that will reawaken love and kindness for yourself, leaving you revitalised and ready to lead your relationships with inner wisdom and grace.

Who its for

Anyone who would like to improve the quality of their life and relationships.
Please bring at least one person with you (bring your family, friends and colleagues; come one, come all!) If you can’t come, please forward to your friends and family

Cost: R150, Including coffee, tea and baked treats

What to expect: Steven Hudson will lead you on a journey into greater consciousness to strengthen ALL your relationships. A lively interactive session with tips, tools and techniques.

When: Friday 17 August

Where: The Old Gaol Restaurant

Time: 10am to 11am

Contact Talita to book your place
084 444 5266